
One can't patch the cracks placed in our souls by others (adult or otherwise). All attempts at doing so with psych guru suggestions don't mend anything. May teach coping, but don't mend. Least not in my experience. (This is not whining - but searching.)

Gims, I'm afraid this has been my experience thus far as well, though I'm always hopeful that every step forward is somehow leading me to full mending. Through years of therapy, self-helping and meditation, I've learned how to manage, cope, prevent myself from spiralling down, and (before all these deaths started ripping those rugs out from under my feet) even managed to find ways to thrive and blossom beyond the damage. But I can't say that I've seen any true mending of the cracks themselves, just mending of the mind's ability to co-exist with them in some meaningful way.

But as Poppie's poem says, I trust that "my soul is in the safe hands of thee most woundrous caretaker...nudging me gently forward into living and loving as far as is humanly possible"...that's my horizon and my journey...I nudge myself forward, in hope, striving for the mindset and point in the healing process where I rise above the damage and live as reasonably happy, positive, healthy and wisely as humanly possible. I do believe it's possible to rise above and live beyond, but it's difficult to believe that those cracks in the foundation of my being can ever be fully mended...if it IS possible, why is it so difficult to get there, when every fibre of one's being craves, searches, prays and begs for that healing and mending.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)