I find all of your responses so amazing...a sisterhood that I shall always cherish.

Thank you, Andria for your thoughts, prayers and blessings.

Thank you, Francine, for your prayers, blessings, good thoughts and for saying my words may help others. I do so hope so.

Thank you, Pam - of course I'm comfortable sharing with you - all of you. How could I not be? You are all so compassionate and caring. Yes, I feel the support and it helps.

Lynn, thank you for your love, your light and your kind words.

Thank you, Eagle Heart, for your support. I know you know my pain.

This morning I was reminded of a song I used to sing in Sunday school:

Help somebody today,
Somebody along life's way.
Let sorrow be ended,
the friendless befriended,
Oh help somebody today.

That's the point - isn't it?

My love to all of you,

[ June 19, 2005, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Vi ]