Between the death of my Dad in 1999 and Mom's in 2001, I bought my Mom special hand-made nightgowns...large, roomy, flannel, long-sleeve, with deep pockets for her endless supply of kleenix. They were so cuddly, and she loved those nightgowns. By the time she died, she had six in her wardrobe. So I gave each of my three nieces one of Granny's nightgowns, kept two for myself, and gave the sixth one to my sister-in-law. All six of the nightgowns have been worn thin since then, but none of us will ever give them up or away.

They're too warm for me to wear these days (hot flashes and night sweats), but in those times when I'm missing my Mom terribly, it's so comforting to slip one on and just cuddle up in her warm essence.