Oh girls,I can barely see to type this. My eyes are as filled as my heart reading your bittersweet responses. I just finished writing about Mom a few minutes before coming here so it kind of caught me off guard I guess. I too have a story.

Mom gave me a sweatshirt with an owl on it for my birthday about 15 years ago. It is ragged on the sleeves, a hole in the back collar and the owl had faded into the black background. We were travelling and I told her, No Mom I don't want anything for my birthday. She was a widow living on a fixed income at the time. Mom said "I am buying it for you."

I wear it on the days I really need her in the winter and I wear her old(now) green housecoat every day when I wake up. I am so afraid they will just go to shreds soon.

I am having the sweat shirt "owl pic" professionally framed some day. I am going to wear the green housecoat till I walk out of it.

Dearest Vi, I know how hard it was for you to post about your sister, but you will never know how it has helped with my never ending healing of losing my rock, my mentor, my heart and soul friend - my Mom. I thank you from my healing heart.
