Vi you really have touched ALL of us with your story of Anita and how you so gracefully continue to move through these days since she's gone. I really was moved by the story of her shoes.....

Like the other ladies, I too kept items from both my parents after they passed away. I have a beautiful blue silk blouse that belonged to my Mom, and a lovely red silk dressing gown from the orient that my Dad bought for her when we lived in Taiwan. Like JJ, I saved my Dad's favorite pajamas and wear them when I'm feeling "down" or if I'm sick and just need special comfort!

I have other "things" that I've kept of my parents but it's the clothing that makes me feel closest to them I guess.

That's why your shoe story, Vi, touched me so.

I think your brave and open heart in sharing your thoughts and feelings about Anita with us here in the forum has allowed us to release a lot of things in our OWN hearts. We all really DO have more in common than we knew.