Songbird and Maggie, thank you. I know I keep saying that as more of you offer your initial and ongoing support. Unfortunately, my words are inadequate for expressing appreciation. But I do thank you, all of you, those who have written and those who are giving silent support.

Yesterday, Dan, my friend, Mary, and I kept a lunch date made a month ago when Anita had just gotten home from the hospital. We'd hoped she would be well enough to keep our monthly luncheon date by then. If she showed up, I was unable to see or hear her. I had thought Dan wouldn't be up to the lunch, but he suggested we keep it, and we went back to Skippers - his favorite seafood place. The four of us had lunch there numerous times. He bought us lunch, and we talked of whatever, each of us very aware that Anita wasn't with us, each of us not mentioning it. It went okay. Dan sent Mary and I home with flower arrangements from the service. He's resumed his morning walks. He's sleeping in his own bed again.

Today, as I painted I thought of it all - my sister's life, what she might be doing now - I mean, sitting around listening to harp music would get boring after a while, don't you think? She has a new beginning. And for her that is good. So do the rest of us, really, and it can be good. It is our choice. It's all about choices.
