Vi, I'm glad you are doing well.

I agree with Dotsie ... I don't think there is boredom in heaven. Nor do I believe we float around on clouds strumming harps. I think there is something exciting awaiting us.

I also picture it as a time of homecoming.

The other thing that comforts me (even after 4 1/2 years I miss my mom so very much) is knowing that she's no longer in pain or suffering. And since she died, she's been joined by my mother-in-law, my step-dad, my aunt, an uncle, and the wonderful pastor who baptized my mom the January before she died. In fact, he whispered to her right before she died that he would be seeing her soon. Little did we know. But there is great rejoicing there and I know I can't be selfish. But still, sometimes I think I hear her calling my name and it's a comfort.

I pray God continues to keep you in His care and comfort those that loved and knew Anita.

Hugs and blessings, Francine