lion, beautiful!

Eagle, grieving without regret is so much easier. I'm so glad to hear you've moved in that direction. It's so easy to look back on the life of a loved one who has died and say, "I shoulda, I coulda", but it gets us nowhere.

I am a very strong-willed person. So was Mom. Sometimes we butt heads. Now that she's gone I wish I had been gentler to her, of all people. After all, she loved me unconditionally. This is one of the reasons I am working on my relationships while people are still here on earth. Of all the people in the world, I was hardest on Mom. I guess it's because I knew how deeply she loved me, and I her.

Eagle, after Mom died I started forming a little club (in my mind) of friends whose mom's had also died, or have died since. You are a member of my little club. It's tough losing Mom, isn't it?