Carolyn, thanks for your encouragement. I have felt Anita off and on lately. You're right, the emptiness feeling can put up barriers. This has happened with others who passed, and as the grief lessened I was better able to feel their presence. When I needed the assurance most, I was standing in the way of it. Sometimes I've worried that maybe the person can now read my thoughts, and what if all of those thoughts aren't exactly diplomatic. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially not a loved one I care so much about. And grieve it would not be good for me to block those thoughts. All of them need to come out, so I can release them. But lately, even with those kinds of thoughts, I've known she is with me.

Thank you, Eagle Heart, for your ongoing thoughts and prayers. It has been my experience that no one can fill up that empty spot. No one can replace another. Each has a unique niche. And, yes, it is both a blessing and a source of distress.

Love to you all,