very good point Vi [Smile]

Eagle Heart - I used to believe that it mattered -until one day I realized that it was keeping me stuck in a dark world. I've been asked, more than I care to count, what happened that caused my split -- and I tell them the same thing -- I don't care anymore -- all I care about is that i've been "validated" and it's time to move on. Being abused as a child is horrible --but the bottom line is -- we aren't children anymore -- and you have a choice to continue to live your life under that cloud or let it go. I don't know what happened between you and your mom - but she's gone now and there's nothing you can do about it - maybe it's time you close that chapter and start a new one -- as an adult -- remember what feels good about childhood and let the rest slide -- and you know what -- YES -- IT CAN BE -- JUST THAT SIMPLE [Smile] but please let me say -- that I DO understand what you're going thru -- I don't mean to minimize it in any way !!! it's just that at some point in our lives we have to just ----- let it go ----- for your own sanity

Dianne - I used to work at a funeral home/cemetery. I drove in every morning and said good morning to everyone and liked to walk around the grounds to read the names out loud -- some of these people had been buried there since the late 1800's and I had to wonder if the generations of family since they died even knew they were there anymore -- so by acknowledging them -- I felt that they were still "important" somehow -- that someone still remembered that their life was full and important to someone at one time.

I dont care for funerals however -- as Pam says - its just the shell laying there and I feel closer to the person outside -- asking God's angels to help them adjust to their new surroundings [Wink]

Dotsie -- I prefer to be a part of the HUMAN race instead of the rat race myself -- though I'm afraid we may be in the minority [Smile]

Vi -- so many times I've started to respond to one of your posts and I sit there and say ???? what more can I say ???? she's said it all and so much more eloquently than I could have [Smile] but I want you to know that I too appreciate this thread and your sharing with us your journey --