Dotise, I loved what you said about being a part of the Human race rather than the rat race. And Lion, your words are so important. We all have sadnesses and even terror in our past, but we have to just walk through it then walk on. To stay there only empowers the negative in our lives.

Originally posted by Vi:
A little kindness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind. Richard Dehmel

And Vi, I love your quote. Love does include both the bad and the good and it's still a powerful word, but it is so overused sometimes I fear it will become nothing but a meaningless cliche.'

Another truism I have heard, and I don't know who said it, is "Being nice is not always being kind." Sometimes it seems as if we are more focused on being nice in order to be accepted than on being kind in order to help. Almost always the truth is kinder than the nicest words.

Thanks ladies for making me think.