Today, I took Mom for her quarterly visit to the doctor. I made sure my sister's name had been removed from the person to contact in case of emergency list. I didn't want Dan to receive a call asking for Anita and have it hit him hard. Then I took Mom grocery shopping, or rather I shopped for her at Walmart, while she sat in the McDonalds part of it. Walking very far is too difficult for her now. Back at Mom's house Phil, my husband, was housecleaning and setting up Mom's new computer in hopes that she can develop Internet skills, and this will take her mind off of her pain and improve her memory. She had said she wanted a computer and wanted to surf the Net. She told me this repeatedly. So when we got back to the house, he gave her lessons. She wasn't much interested. Phil had spent 3 days preparing the computer so it would be simple for her to use. It was frustrating for both Phil and I.

Basically the day was a affirmation that neither my sister nor my brother(he's in jail) is available to help with Mom. Not a problem except for the things that have always irritated me about my mother - her learned incompetence as a form of manipulation is always there. And it bugs me. I love her, but . . . That's how I'm feeling today.