Eagle Heart, yes we are "profound feelers." I like that expression. Somehow it seems impossible for me to hybernate with Mom needing me, and my concerns for Dan. But I know it's necessary to do it as best I can.

Dotsie, yes, it is nice when family members reach out to me. It rarely happens. Friends do that . . . Family - there's that old thing about expectations. Mom is doing okay. Her take on death seems to be one of acceptance. She misses my sister, but when I ask her how she's doing with it, she seems to be okay. I have noticed though that she seems to be letting go of life more. I think that's why she no longer wanted the computer we got for her. I think she's winding down getting ready to die. She will be 87 next month, so it's a resonable thing to do.

I haven't been gone through the site to see how you are feeling about your recent loss. I've been hustling to get my book done. How are you? How is your husband and those you care about? I've been thinking about you.