Thank you all for our words of encouragement.

I just got back from the 3 day trip down to Garmisch and the best part of the whole thing was the lovely time spent with my husband. We're coming up on our 25th anniversary next year ... both divorced once from bad spouses. Anyway, sometimes I think we almost act like newlyweds. It wasn't always that way but God worked in an awesome way to heal our love.

It just serves as a reminder to live and love as much as we can on this plane even though we'll be reunited on the other side. My husband and I didn't marry for life ... we married for eternity.

Still, there are times when we just miss the presence of those who've left us and nothing can replace their hugs, smiles and hearing them call your name. Still, God is good and life is full of blessings if you know where to look.

By the way, lionspaww, I love my lizards back in Arizona ... along with my little horny toads, quail and roadrunners. Over here I'm blessed when my little hedgehog trundles into my yard or the songbird sings me an opera like no other.

We can so easily take life for granted.

I, for one, am so thankful for this site and all of you ... your caring and warm hearts.

Hugs and blessings, Francine