Still lots to explore at home where we live. I have not cycled up....any mountain at all yet. and we live in an area ringed by local mountains to try.

There are lots of serious hiking trails in the local mountains..and more bike routes we have not tried yet. I'm such a lazy bum, I don't even go to the better and bigger Chinatown that is further out in the suburbs (actually too car-congested and insane on weekends). I shop/stick around the old, historic Chinatown that's closer to home.

I know there's way more to explore locally...where I work now, there will be major road bridge that our organization will finish building next year...that will open more areas to locals to enjoy parks, trails, etc.

One thing for certain, to live in our area..means it encourages you to become more fit with many choice sports and things to see..and enjoy the wonders of great local outdoors.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)