How do you challenge yours? Or do you??

Our four "working dogs"...Cocoa, Munchie, Farmer and Sally Jean Autry, are given daily activities. They were born with brains and they should use them to the utmost. But we must help them achieve these challenges.

Each day, DH is sure to make our girls and boy think. For instance, each night before bedtime, we play "hide the ball". We find very good spots in our bedroom behind closed door. Once it's hidden, we quickly open the door yelling "Find that ball!". It's too fun watching them all lurk and sniff and go on their hind legs. Whoever finds it gets LOTS of "Oh boy...good girl!!" rubs and more rubs.

During the daytime, DH will hide the ball in a picnic chest and they have to open the lid to get it.Not to mention the hundreds of times we throw the ball across our land over and over and over. They NEVER tired of retrieval. Doggie football is also nearly a daily event with Munchie "guarding" Cocoa while Sally and Farmer are in the "backfield in motion"!

We also suspend the ball and swing it on a long rope from DH's opened shop roll door. Then they must jump up at the right time and grab it.

Two of them love ice cubes. Each time we get ice from the refrigerator ice maker, they are right there waiting for Momma to fill the bowl full. But they must sit and wait where they bowl is placed.

In order for any of them to enter a doorway, they must be prompted. No one comes in or out without their name being called. We often call someone elses name to "test" them, and they always pass with flying colors!
We know our Aussie dogs are smart because we challenge them all the time. At the end of the day, we have some VERY exhausted pups!!