[color:#990000] [i] [size:11pt] It's just me but moodiness ticks my bird! You know the kind of person who says they are "alright," but carries a mood about all day or while you are with them? UGH! Why do people do this?
I am not moody. When something ticks my bird, it's coming out, and hopefully in a civilized way. I can't sustain a "mood," thta is negative and I can't watch people who can!
Is it me?
Have you known someone who is?
What do you do about this?

Okay, I'm bringing out the astrologer here:\
People of the sign of Cancer can be moody. Is there a Cancer in the house?
What do you do when around a moody person?
You can tell it bugs me, can't you?

I find it is deceptive as much as someone who holds a grudge or is jealous. It's dangerous and can blow at anyone!

I find it's like a "whiner," if you know what I mean.

I need help on this so go for it, sista's!



"Question your privilege"