If you are not moody, Dancer, what is your mood?

I am generally a happy person, but I can get very angry, upset and sad. I get angry when I feel an injustice is happening. I get upset when I feel someone (especially me) is being wronged. I get sad when I feel lonely and left out.

Fortunately for me, I see the upside quite easily. I process happiness fairly easily. I imagine others see the downsides easier.

Dennis is moody, by his own definition. I guess I would not define him that way, but he does. Do you suppose that we each see ourselves and others through our own definitions of our emotions? Hmmmm...awkward sentence, I know. Let me try and clarify.

I have been told that I am hard on others. I don't see it. I am a strong personality, and want what I want. For some people that is defined as hard on others. For me I define it as open and honest.

Emotionally are we all hard-wired differently? Can we really label someone else, if our labels are really different?

Oh, I am going off on some different tangent, I believe.
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