I walk everyday when weather permits, and have done so for years! I have gone to curves for many years also, but recently have quit because I wasn't enjoying it anymore nor was I loosing anymore inches. When I hit age 50 a few years back I had gained 12 pounds and I hadn't changed anything ...eating or exercise habits. frown I went to the doctor and had some tests ran and they all came back fine. My doctor said I was not overweight but the weight gain was just my age working against me, and it happens to men too. The doctor also told me our metabolism slows down when we get older. If I wanted to lose weight I must exercise more and eat less calories. Well, duh.....who doesn't already know that!! I am not TOO obsessed about my weight gain, but I do feel sluggish and thick from the extra weight I am carrying around. I have started to do some simple weight lifting routines that I can do at home. I am already feeling stronger and have lost 2 pounds! Yeah!