So glad to see Mama Mia! is a show we all like. Again, putting the CD on takes me to my 'happy spot'. I just absolutely love the film. My daughter and twin sister went and saw it both times. We want to go again - at least my twin and I do.

An article I read said that Pierce Brosnan's voice surprised everyone because it was so good. I thought his singing was great and heart felt. But I understand if not everyone agrees.

The lady who wrote the movie version is the one who did the original play on broadway. When she did the movie version she did it with those actors in mind. So, I thought the idea of putting older people in it was good. It worked even though the Broadway play had younger people.

And don't you just remember why you loved the ABBA songs? Our showings were never sold out and there wer plenty of seats available. Again, I love it and listen almost daily to the songs.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008