
Your explaination of grief was just beautiful. It is good to know that what I'm experiencing is "normal".

You are so right about how being thankful somehow brings up the loss.

I had a spell yesterday, and just felt like my heart was breaking.

My 19 year old daughter called from the ER, she had fainted at work - and they insisted she go to the hospital.

Both of my children are in less then desirable living situations.
As a mother who gave 19 years to full time mothering - it is excrutiating to not have them in my daily life AND to have them living in less then desireable situations.

Both of them live where they live by choice. It just hurts, and fear tugs at my heart from time to time for them.

It made me think about mothers whose children have run away from home - and they don't know where their kids are and if they are safe...

So, I know I'm in a better situation. There is ALWAYS someone who is in a worse situation!

Thank you Eagle for sharing your heart! It's good to be back in the forums!


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