
Again, I can't believe how eloquantly you communicate these things. Are you writing a book on the subject??????

I thank God for the hope that carries me forward. The belief and hope that life will somehow be normal again - (and as you said - a "new normal").

The one thing I appreciate about experiencing deep loss - is that I can relate so much better with others who grieve. Our grieving doesn't even have to be the same subject or areas - I just "get it" now.

My friend Tina who finally died from cancer - when she was first diagnosed - I was NOT one of the people who gathered around her to support her. In fact, I avoided sick people and funerals like the plague.

During my divorce - when I began the grieving process - I began to connect with her in a precious way. We even talked about it.

This is one thing I don't regret about my experience. Is that it adds a new deapth to who I am.

Thank you EH for sharing yourself so freely, and for using your grief to help others make sense of theirs. This is a gift.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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