What a fun thread! Here is my Match.com story. I know I have shared parts of it before, so I am sorry if I am repeating myself.

In 2000, a girlfriend and I decided to try out this new phenomenon called Match.com. They offered 3 months free and we both signed up.

I had very few responses until I finally posted a photo. I had been on a cruise, with friends, over winter break, and I had this knock out photo of me in a formal. I don't usually like my pictures, but this one was great.

The day I posted the photo, I started getting matches. My friend and I would compare matches over the phone in the evening, and talk about potential dates. I was NOT looking for a long term relationship, but just some fun. I had been dating lots over the past few years, and was enjoying the process.

I met a few guys in person. There was the guy who was a Meg Ryan freak, and wanted me to cut my hair like her, then we could go out on a second date. The guy who chain smoked while we ate lunch, and talked about all the movie channels he got on his cable system. The guy who sent me the nude photo (I know I have talked of him before. And the best, was the guy who wanted to date me after he had dated my friend. He was wondering if actually, we could all go out together!

My freebee time was up on May 15, and I was not going to pay to meet more toads. I had about 5 guys write to me that day, and I answered only one: Dennis!

He wanted to go out immediately for dinner. I wanted to meet a bit more casually first. As I said, my membership was up, and I really had no idea of who I was talking to on the phone. But his voice, oh so soft and sexy. To tell the truth, I thought I was talking with a younger guy who I thought was real cute. I did not remember what Dennis looked like.

We finally met at a deli. I was surprised when I met him, I really did not recall ever seeing this guy on Match.com. He was blond, and I never went for blonds, and wore these huge, geeky glasses (I am a freak for fashionable eyewear). But, when we talked, for just a few minutes, I forgave him his hair and glasses. We had so much in common. Best of all, he loved to travel, and had been so very many places! But, when he told me he wrote poetry, I was a goner.

We went out for that dinner two nights later and we have been together ever since. He is the one for me and I am the one for him. Like Chick, we are among the top 10% of the happiest people in the world. I don't want to imagine my life without him.
Follow our story of living, loving and laughing with a debilitating disease:
