Originally Posted By: gims
don't know, dots, but it sounds good... I don't mean free from being married, but free to roam (as in jump in the car and go somewhere without telling someone where I'm going - a respectful must for married people) when an urge to 'fly' hits....

Great little story, Dotsie.

In response to gims remarks...sure, one of us just jumps on their bike and the person is gone for the rest of the day. Believe me, you can see alot on bike for 10 hrs. ...and cafe visits on your own for replenishment.

and we don't have cellphones nor do we phone one another during the time apart when this happens. so really, I don't have a clear idea on certain days, where he is in the city nor does he about me. it's no sweat and it really is freedom.

he would be supportive of me if I chose to go off for few days with gals. In fact, I have this feeling, he would support it because he knows it would get me out of hermit-tendencies. Or even cycling by myself. Though he might worry about my less-than-good wayfinding skills... smile
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)