Originally Posted By: gims
I've read that about curves... that once you meet a certain level, it fails to do any more good, other than maintenance. But, for many, it is a great way to exercise. I've thought about getting our equipment out of storage and setting up a circular training system. I'd be stepping outside often, because we truly don't have enough clear space. My youngest daughter loaned me her treadmill. I think I'm gonna like it, because I can read while I walk.

From what I understand, cookie, we can eat as much, and more, regardless of our age, if we eat smart. Getting there is the hard part... letting go of the favorite processed foods (for me, breads - I had a toasted sesame bagel this week that was to die for!) is quite difficult.

I've never been to curves but based on this maintenance /plateauing problem..the people whom I've known to have lost significant weight did ramp up their exercise/whatever fav. physical activity plus change their diet.

Even for those who are fit, it does require long-term effort to be energetic and eat healthily. The key is to find healthy things and habits where you slip into your daily life..that you don't think about after awhile.

Like for me, I have a half cup of microwaved oatmeal--no sugar, some skim milk and if available, simple fruit. My quick breakfast at ...4:45 am since I get up so early to get to work. By the time I get to work, it's coffee with a fresh fruit..and yea, a light biscotti sometimes. smile I go grocery shopping on my bike all the time. It's just brainless healthy little things to do ...that when you don't do it..your body misses it.

Rethink how you can slowly chip away at the parts of lifestyle you don't like..but can easily change.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)