Orchid, this is some of the best advice I've read in a long time. It IS incorporating changes into your lifestyle that benefit you and help to make you healthier, and you are SO 100% right that once you skip one, or pass over it for a day or so, you miss it and that signals your brain who LOVES to maintain the status quo, or routines, to get back into it.

Take drinking water, for instance...I don't like to do it, and it can be so bla...but once I make it a part of my daily routine, and the more I drink, the more I actually begin to crave it and can't wait to have another 8 ounces. Fresh fruit is another example. If you try having a piece of fresh fruit around 9ish in the morning, and/or between 2-4 in the afternoon, you will find that if you skip it, your body/mind is going, "Where the H is my fruit!!!!"

Just take ONE change and see if this doesn't hold true for you. Thanks Orchid for that reminder!