I haven't been able to exercise in 2 weeks because every time I take a deep breath, I break out coughing. It makes me feel like a sludge at the computer all day.

I've always been a big fruit eater. I lovvvvve fresh fruit and always have. In Chicago during high school, the only fruit we got in winter was oranges, and I'd go through a 5-lb. bag every few days. This week's fruit purchase was 3 grapefruits, 14 fuyu persimmons and 1 pineapple, all of which will be gone by Sunday. Plus 1 lb. of FRESH raisins, an absolutely incredible treat bearing very little resemblance to store-bought imposters.

What's changed about my diet recently is vegetable intake. All my favorites -- beets, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and orange squash -- are the ones hubbo doesn't like, so we've fallen into the rut of onions, mushrooms, and green/red pepper with everything.

Now that I'm trading with vegetable vendors at the market, every week I bring home several lbs. of assorted mystery seasonal greens, which completely fills up both vegetable crispers -- and spoils if not used in a timely manner.

The first week I had to fight Hubbo, who wrinkled his nose and complained about mystery greens. Then they wilted or got slimy and I threw 1/2 of it out, and let him know that he was wasting OUR money and throwing out FREE FOOD. So now he eats it. Every Sunday after market, I pull out a pad of paper during lunch and plan the week's dinners. Figure out what else we need to augment the mystery greens. Creative ways of re-packaging mystery greens. So we're eating TWICE as much greens as we were a month ago. I never realized I could do so much with food I can barely identify.

I'm gradually remembering their names as well. This week, I got:
Chinese broccoli
large bok choy
baby bok choy
2 types of chard
2 types of kale
and 2 bags of soft-leaf ...mystery greens.

However, hubbo needs names that are familiar or he won't eat it. So I tell him that everything is "just like" something he likes -- that would be lettuce, spinach, broccoli, bok choy or zucchini. Whatever mystery green I get, it's "just like" one of those lol.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist