I believe we are drawn to what we need. Whenever people have a hard time choosing this-this-that-or-that? on my display, I tell them to pick the piece they were drawn to first.

I keep a paperback copy of a gem properties book at my craft booth in case someone wants to look up a particular stone. I also have 3 books at home that I reference. I work on an intuitive visual level but will research when requested. Most of this is available online as well.

I've been making jewelry almost forever but started concentrating on gems ~15 years ago because they were pretty! Before I even knew about gem properties, people would occasionally come to my booth and say they could feel my energy in the stones.

Probably the most interesting story happened several years ago. I saw a woman walking swiftly to my booth from a block away She went directly to a certain necklace and said, "I'll take that one." She told me she could feel its energy from 2 blocks down.

There are certain combinations I won't do because they resonate wrong. If someone asks for them, I try to steer them in another direction.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist