Sandpiper, I believe we are connected to the earth too. Even in the Bible this is mentioned. We are all organic material when it comes down to it after all.

Meredith, I am so sorry you have had to suffer from this migraine. Myself, it is the only pain I cannot tolerate. But decapitation is a bit much, LOL! I never knew that about the lapis either. What a great idea, I want to order a pair when you are done.

In Greece when I was growing up, I use to collect rocks because they were so beautiful when the water at the beach would wash them. I never realized how drawn I was to them all these years. I have some rocks from the Island of Patmos. There is this one beach with the waves and it is not a sandy beach, it is full of rocks. These rocks are unique and I did take some. They are in a candle scape I have in my house.

Hope you feel better Meredith!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!