lol many others in earlie recovery do become hooked on exercise lol. it might happen yet.

Did your sponser explaine why it wase't acceptable to chose yourse;lf as your higher power? If they didn't or can't chose eanother sponser, sometimes its hard to accept stuff when its not made obviousie the good intenison or rasional behind the basic princiaple or idea of stuff. Explinasions may not make it any more easier but i think minds accepot easier once they have the rational.

was seeing the aa meeting and the power within the group suggested as a sutible alternative to the higher power being of a devine faith based nature?
I know may sucessfull 12 steapers who have this view and never view the HP as devine, just thir hp lies within the joint power of the positive from within the meeting.

id be happie to chat with you about this, just draw my attension to it if i don't see it or pm me or just have a wee chat in private if you feel uncomphortable with the publicness of this descusion.

your call so give me a shout if you want,

cheers smile
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn