Georgia, this is so cool that you posted this. We have a new contemporary service at our church on Sunday evenings. Our minister is super gifted at finding youtubes to go with his sermons and scripture.

He used this one a few weeks ago and it was incredible. Everyone was absolutely silent. His sermon was about God's presence in our lives and how He's always with us, whether we acknowledge Him or not. He's there standing by us. He also addressed how important it is to stand by one another. It's miraculous to hear secular music in a chapel with candles and stain glass windows.

Another thing that was cool about it was that our youth did a work camp in New Orleans. They'd seen the one guy playing in New Orleans and recognized him in the video. It was a beautiful service.

Thanks for sharing.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.