
A close friend of mine said something REALLY thought provoking when I started going through my "transition"....

She said, "Danita, I can't help but wonder how being married to him is holding you back".

Wow. Was she right. Divorce isn't easy. It isn't what is best for the family unit...but, there is hope on the other side. There is freedom. There is joy. There is abundance. IF, we chose to seek it.

One has to move THROUGH the tranistion of divorce unto what I call "abundification".

Keep the faith expat....my philosphy throughout my process was, "I'm going to do the next RIGHT thing". I moved slowly, but deliberately and I have no regrets whatsoever!

Again, if it comes down to divorce, I'ld like to mention other things (financial, etc)....but if you are getting an attorney you should be ok. We had an "amicliable divorce" until his girlfriend started pressuring him to "stop paying me so much"...and now, I am fighting for every penny he owes me for the past two years. :0( I am fighting for the principal, to hold his feet to the fire for perhaps the first time in his life.


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