Hi Expat

I'm stepping into this a bit late...and I've read through what these Amazings have shared with you. All of it is soooooo right on target.

I've been divorced twice...lots of long stories that I'm happy to share if there is a nugget in there for you. However, that said, you have the best knowledge of what is best for you. You mention that you don't feel this is right for you. I would say "honor that, you know what is best". Keeping the "shoulds" out of our conversations isn't easy AND it is essential for getting to what is important to you.

My 1st husband was a nice man...and people wondered why I left. He was nice, and still is, AND he was remote and loved his work more than anything else. My second was emotionally and verbally abusive, to both my son and myself. And, if I had listened to my heart instead of my "shoulds", things would have been a bit easier, although I know I needed to learn what I did to be here.

Please listen to you...step into a quiet space and listen to your inner self, your heart as I call it, and trust that you know what is best for you. You deserve the gift of loving...of loving yourself and having someone else see your beauty, your gifts, and your loving heart. You deserve someone to laugh with, share tears with, play with and work with. You are an Amazing, my dear, you truly are.
Love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed (Jerilynne)
Coming Summer 2009 "Kick-Butt Kindness: 52 No Cost Ways to Ripple Kindness 'Round the World"

Let's create Kick-Butt-and-Take-Names Lives!