It seems to me there is always stress one way or another within our family. I wish I were a duck, and all the grief would just roll off my back…But I think I'm a sponge instead,… I soak up all the squabbles and bickering and bitchy attitudes… I get heavier and heavier…till I just want to pick up my feet and run. I want to escape from everyone. The worst part is, I never seem to do the right thing. Everyone runs to me and drops their problems on my back,…They don't want any suggestions or solutions, if I do that,..then it's suddenly none of my business, or someone finds out what I said, and they feel ganged up on.

I'm sooooooo sick of it. And to make things worse…my Hubby criticizes me as well! He isn't any help at all. He riles me all up in the background, and then gracefully fades away when heads start bumping.

An island. I want to go to an island, drink coconut milk and eat fruit all day. I want to soak up the sun, swim naked and just feel alive.
I want to escape from all these voices and pesterings going on. Especially if THEY have problems, and I end up as their scape goat. Ugh. Ugh Ugh.

Are there really story book families out there, where everyone is one heart and harmony? I don't mean the families that see each other only once in a while. I think those are probably the healthiest ones. I mean the families where everyone has regular contact with one another. I do know there are exceptions. My relationship to my mother and brother is very intense and loving. I guess I'm blessed to have at least that. frown
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.