You are right, Jabber. I am definitely an amateur with forums but I did manage to try clicking on the envelope myself and found the shortcut. Thanks, though.

I have to agree with you about the couples living separate lives, together. Honestly, though, don't you think it's a sad state of affairs if marriage gets to that stage? What would be the point of getting married? confused

Anyway, I've come back from my appointment with the lawyer and it was very beneficial. I'd forgotten to mention that I've been to see her for advice before my first separation and she not only remembered me, but a lot of the details of my situation. What a memory! She's wants me to go away and consider how I really feel. If there is any chance of a reconciliation, then she recommends a separation. However, if I truly believe it is broken down, then she suggests going straight for divorce. I will be better off in the long run. She feels that if I go the legal separation route,if divorce is eventually imminent, he might not agree with any changes to the settlement. I will really have to dig deep into my heart for my answer. I came out feeling confident, though, which is a good thing.

Parallel, to that, my daughter stopped by today. She and I, along with my son, had a serious conversation about my plans. They are still supportive of me and that definitely makes me feel good.