I don’t know if I shared this story on line or not. It’s a true story that happened in my home town. About 4 years ago, a group of boomer women met weekly to meditate. Of course it wasn’t just meditation, they all became good friends, and shared their deepest secrets. Within two years, every single woman in the group got a divorce. There were 8 of them!

Four of the ladies, got together and bought a house in South France, opened a wine and dine restaurant (that in France!) and run an artsy boutique on the side. I know all this so well, because I got the contract to sell all 4 of their houses.

Each of their x- husbands told me the same story. Not one of them admitted having a clue that his wife was so unhappy. They were all in shock, and didn’t know what hit them. Okay, I got to admit, maybe bad talking men can be damaging to a marriage, especially some marriages that could be saved;…but still it goes to show how men live in their cotton candy world. No wonder they don’t change, because they can’t believe they are walking a tight rope, no matter how often you tell them that.

The only thing that changed my husband, to the better, is the physical change. I moved out; it took only one weekend. But if a man doesn’t change after that,…I don’t believe he ever will.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.