My actual divorce proceedings were amicible...

It was just about six months after the divorce when life got financially hard for him having to support us (maintenance and child support) and support himself (with his girlfriend whining about why he sent all his money to us).

Since then - it has gotten down right ugly. I cant stand to even look at him.

Since the divorce, I've felt like a used paper plate. 21 years and he doesn't give a crap about my survival. I don't understant THAT!

So, when people say they are going through an amicable divorce, the little devil on my shoulder says, "yaaaaaaa, riiighhhttt!".

My goal is to someday have an advocacy program for women like myself - who don't have the money to fight, and who deserve someone in their court.

Their are advocates for the children, for the abused, but not for us average janes. I truly hope to fix that. (and when I say advocates, I hope to be able to find attorneys who will represent these women for free - just based on principal).

Enough of that.

:0) GOing to spend the day with my son in the mountains! Wahooo

Tell and preserve your stories:

My most recent story for my mom: