i thought of you when i was typing this out becouse of your closness, shared activities and good comunicasion between you and your S.O. I never twigged that it reminded me of the good stuff from above mentioned relashionship untill a few days ago.

skype can be a god send just seeing the other is good for a relashionship when apart. i am giggling at though of you making funny faces becouse audio is strange thats very sweet. It sounds like you have a nice good relashionship with you SO

yea cleaning to soften up and to fill voide or strangness after an argument.
cleaning needs to be doner and we be together doing something jointly and productivlie with the time just after an argument. Cleaning was done on a saterday anyway but also after a good argument.

Sometimes it made for a very clean house lol.

you and yours do a lot together. :)do you think it helps bring you closer and keep you closer?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn