I miss my time with D. We are stuggling to find new things to do with each other.

We used to have a night or two a week when we would cook sexy together. Use your imagination.....

We used to have date night once a week - one week I decided upon the date, the next week he would.

We snow-shoed, cross=country skied, swam in the ocean,walked together as often as possible.

We still watch movies together, although we both fall asleep during most movies.

We try to eat together, but I can't eat slow enough to eat together.

We still find ways to make each other laugh.

We travel well together, but it is quite different now.

I don't want to complain, but life is so different for us right now. It is really difficult for us to find time to enjoy life together. It is easier when I am on a break from work. I am lucky that I have many breaks.
Follow our story of living, loving and laughing with a debilitating disease:
