I have thought about this chatty being a guy 16 yrs. older than I. To me, it's not a terrifying thought. And it may well be because I was solo for a number of years before I met him. I also think over time, it just gets more complicated as women and men become older, it's tough to meet alot of men without their issues of the past or personal idiosyncracies that are not easy to live with on a daily basis.

In all honesty, it would be surprising if I should (most likely I will), outlive my partner, that I could find another guy that I could share passionately and contendedly a life with him. By then, I would worry more if he was healthy enough so that we could even enjoy life together.

There are inherent advantages of starting off with a life partner who is reasonably healthy and can participate positively in mind, spirit and body with some shared activities together before time runs out. I seriously believe that one should not wait until retirement to do some travel which requires some tolerance to weather changes, physical activity and cultural changes. When I am sweating it out snowshoeing in the mountains or on the bike, or just hiking...I think to myself NOW is the time to do this type of stuff when my body feels right and strong.

And not wait around until after retirement.
So that's why living in a condo now, so one can spend the free time (instead of cutting the lawn, house repairs,etc.), so one's vacation can be truly spent travelling, not looking after a house.

Edited by orchid (03/06/09 05:44 AM)
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)