Originally Posted By: Di
we still have jars left over.

I help DH...not a gardener at heart. But LOVE the harvest. He wants to do Yellow Watermelon, tomatoes, squash and cantelope. That's all I know for now. We LIVE on the melons all summer.

Love melons. smile

Admittedly we don't do much differently in terms of household chores. Let's see here:

Open our balcony door and windows...we live in a highrise condo. It doesn't have air-conditioning. But no need, our summers never get real super hot like southern Ontario or prairies.

He likes to buy some potted herbs and he tends to be the one watering, etc. Not alot of effort.

Sit out on our balcony early morning and evenings to eat and see sun go up and down.

We better clean our balcony door. But our windows are washed by the contract service that the strat/condo building pays for.Happens twice per year.

Life is not that complicated in condo living.
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