Well I live with air conditioning all year round for the most part. This year, however, we had several times when we needed the heat but I held out as long as I could. I like it also when I don't have to use either.

I stopped doing spring/fall cleaning a long time ago. It's enough for me to just keep up with the daily stuff. The windows are on the agenda though. Can't see through them I think. Going to get hubby to do the outside windows for me. I'm not tall enough on the ladder. Maybe I should get a taller one -- umm -- nope! That's a job for him.

Winter is the best time here. We have had 80's on and off for several weeks now. Will be almost 90 this week already. I'm so dreading the heat of summer.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008