I walk 1 1/2 miles daily. I used to walk 3 but after a couple of years I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning thinking of the walking I had to do. Finally told myself, duh self, you made the rule you can change it. So I dropped to 1 1/2 miles a day and don't have trouble facing the day now.

Let's see about the seasons. Spring is a season I simply can't wait for. Warmer weather, the grass turns green, animals have their babies, gardening begins, it's just a wake up time of year.

Summer is wonderful....as long as I have air-conditing to come into. Summer finally warms me clear through after the cold, cold, cold of winter.

Fall is actually my favorite time of year BUT there's always the gnawing feeling in my stomach of what's coming next. I love the trees changing, the animals getting winter coats, the harvesting of crops, the putting to bed of gardens. It's just an absolutely beautiful time of year with the fresh crisp weather, the blue skies and "feel" of the weather.

Winter...sorry, but I hate it. I'm originally from California and I loved winters for the first 25 years of living in Iowa. I now literally hate them and that's the way it is. I sometimes think if we lived where there were trees to stop the horrendous north winds it would help but in farm land there aren't a whole lot of trees.