I just joined this site and have been reading responses to this topic.
I have been married for 44 years. Hubby and I are pretty opposite. He is one of 12 (in town) and I am an only child.He is Italian Catholic, I am protestant yankee. He is a golfer. What was I thinking? I know what I was thinking. He seemed so down when we dated and I felt I could bring him some sunshine and lighten him up..again what was I thinking? We're at the point now where we, go to bed at different times, and sleep in different rooms. He's cold I'm hot. We both snore (ha).

We have two grown, independant kids with grandkids all nearby. Grandkids are 5 y.o and under. Two boys 5 y.o. girl 2.
I lost my job about 1 year ago and have lost my life(identity) ever since. I miss the co-workers, and the income. I have tried to find volunteer work to fill the void. I've always worked usually 30 miles from home so to meet with the old friends has to be planned weeks ahead. I know I have many many blessings and I'm truly thankful.
I've learned from my girlfriends, that retirement just isn't what we expected. Maybe it was subconscious, but Our men are not that much interested in doing what we want to do. They don't have the enthusiam we'd hoped for. I've learned that my guy does more with me than some. I've tried to find volunteer work we can do together (Red cross) but the organization doesn't seem to have regular meetings etc. 30 years ago we belonged to a Square dance club, and went camping. I'm trying to stir the camping thing up again, but golf(his passion) would win out.
We have a pool and the grandids enjoy that. To balance out my life wheel I need to reach out and find on-going things to fill the empty places. I belong to a womens barbershop chorus and enjoy that once a week. Women are always in transition. Thank goodness I have a pc. I'm always searching for self fullment. I hope I haven't abused my privilege here.