Chive, welcome to the forums. I love how honest and open you are about things. Have you EVER come to the right place to hear wise words of widsom, such as what Madelaine has just given (and I'm sure others will as well), and to get sympathy, empathy, or just to unload. Sometimes troubles (is that too strong a word?) can see less burdensome when divided.

I've been divorced going on 17 years so while I can't relate to your situation firsthand, I can tell you that we need stimulation no matter what age, 40, 50, 60, and beyond. We need fun, we need to have outside interest, and passions. We still need to know that we matter. And it's just so much fun to learn something new, or explore activities we've always wanted to try but maybe work or raising a family prevented us from doing so.

I couldn't agree more with your desires for ACTION! It doesn't mean you have to jump off cliffs, what is it they call it? Or go swimming with dolphins, (although I would love to try it), but good grief....something! I hear ya! Same here.

I've taken a late interest in cooking. Although I am an author/writer/humorist/gabologist, by trade, I would LOVE to learn to cook something I've never cooked before....or maybe take painting/drawing lessons.

I so admire you for belonging to a barbershop chorus! Wow! I would love to do that as well.

Here's a thought...maybe you could check with your local junior college to see if they are offering any new classes that might interest you?