Welcome sister Chives to our cyber family of which you have become a member. Oh and no stepping out of bounds around here, there are none, say what you will and someone will reply.

Most Hopices are looking for someone to come and read to their clients. Take a good book however as they usually have an old already read pile. I also take them boxes of books so they have nice new ones.

Most local hospitals have a 'grandmother program' where you go and rock the babies. This can be so rewarding and the only love they ever get being confined in the hospital nursery.

Some Humane Societys also look for people to be dog walkers. The ideas are endless, look in the local yellow pages you'd be surprised the ideas that can be generated from there.

I gave a neighbor an idea and she posted it on our open bulletin board where we go to pay rent etc. It says:

Lonesome? Want someone to talk to? Just leave your phone number in the box below and the best time to call. I am your neighbor here at the resort.

When she checked three days later she had six numbers, names and times. That was a month ago, she now calls thirteen people and chats for half an hour. Tells them jokes, sings a song and is having a ball. The list grows each week too.

She called the other day to tell me a couple of the adult kids of these elderly people have asked her to call them from time to time also, so they know whats what with their loved ones, and they are paying her now for her kindness.
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