Interesting, chatty about your previously lonely neighbour, now with friends. That's great!

Welcome Chives! That all-women's barbershop chorus sounds cool! So the women croon too. smile

Madelaine, your hubby is more cycling-nutso than my partner. Folks, her hubby can cycle over 200 miles in 1 day.

Chives, I'm 50 without children myself. My partner has 2 adult children from his former marriage and they've been living independently on their own for nearly past decade.

True, like Madelaine, my partner and I do some cycling together if our schedules permit it or we feel like it. He is semi-retired, he set up his own business at home. For some of my former jobs, he used to cycle with me to my workplace or meet me after work to bike homeward. It was just another incentive for him to add more exercise/mileage for himself.

But still, we don't do everything together. I cycle by myself early morning 80% of the time daily, while he's at home working away on his biz or volunteer work. So it's weekends and some weekday evenings we spend the greatest amount of time together.

Today the phone has been ringing off the hook. Several local media want to interview him for a controversial bike project that will start next wk. in our city. Did I really want to deal with his phone calls? Not really, I was in the midst of applying for jobs.

We do have a dinner 'date' every Friday or Thurs., where we have a restaurant dinner that is low-cost or we cycle out for a picnic.

Although we are physically together nearly daily past few months, we have our own activities that we pursue independently. I think it keeps each of us growing but also share a few interests together.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)