I was a dancer as a girl.. who enjoyed music and movement.Scottish country dancing is gracious and tells of our history when married to tradidional music.our team competed and won..bringing home silver cups which were displayed in the Co-op store window.The Cooperative movement provided education in the arts at that time.
Well long story short...my husband is a non dancer..we have gently waltzed and attempted Gay Gordons a folk dance once or twice..We have yearly Harvest Home parties in the village..first year married I was offered tickets and assumed we would have a ball...as the time got nearer husband was getting quieter and I did my usual are you OK anything wrong? I had a totally eureka moment realising that he disliked dance more than I liked it..and for us to go and not dance was silly..thats what love is to me...making someone else happy.
I did dance again...often...working in schools we taught social dance as PE so passed on what I knew...at 35 I was asked to restart the competitions by making up a team as the Coop wanted to encourage young people..so nothing was ever lost..
We both enjoy music and each week listen to a programme called
"Take the Floor" which is..about Scottish dance music believe it or not..he has preferred bands and was approached to repair electronic accordians for a formost player...and did his own wee bit for recordings..ironic that.
so it is not alway what we do for our S.O. but what we put to one side.
Perhaps others have similar experiences..