Eagle, glad to hear you are working at this with your psychiatrist. Baby steps is probably the way out. Is there a way for you to conquer a teeny fear each day?

I'll pray for your trip in October. I so want you to go.

While on the topic of fears - my biggest fear is that something will happen to Ross or one of the kids, but I try to reason with myself by saying...when was the last time something actually happened? That helps me put things in perspective. I also try to realize that when things have happened, I've gotten through them.

Ross is a diabetic. I fear him going into a low blood sugar coma when I'm not around. It's no fun to think about because he's certainly had his share of low blood sugar bouts when I am around, and I've been able to get sugar in him or have called 911. Fortunately, we are only blocks from a fire house. It's also happened while vacationing and we were blessed to have a fire house nearby. That's why traveling to pretty deserted islands scares me.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.