Eagle, I think Anno's post speaks for all of us.

I will say that one way I practice gratitude is that every time I get into my car to go somewhere, I first give God a list of things I'm grateful for. I don't turn on the radio, I don't talk on a cell, I speak to God and tell him simply THANK YOU for ... and then I list them.

Some days it's things like the gas in the car, or the car itself, so I can go visit my grandchildren. Other days it is for being able to pay my bills...and sometimes, it's simply for having just the right amount of ___ to go into the recipe I wanted to make that morning. Simple, complex...it doesn't matter. When I start saying thank you for a few things, others come spilling out, big and little, and I find myself amazed at just how much I have to be grateful for! I believe I could drive to Texas and back and not get finished.

So I just talk it out and say THANK YOU.

By the time I reach my destination, I'm so full of joy even a bad Elvis impersonator couldn't upset me. You know?